Sunday, July 22, 2007

Music is a treat

I love music, and I love to listen to it very loud.
That is why I love my job. It is laid back enough that I can listen to my ipod all day (or youtube videos, if I really get bored.)
I get to go back and listen to all the music that I missed out on over the 8 years that I only listened to They Might Be Giants, Enya, and Movie Soundtracks. (I still love this music, sans TMBG, which I really overdid... I just can't listen to them again.)

A lot of them are tied to great memories... ah, good times...

But anyway, I get to listen to a lot of different music now.
Thanks to a few of my friends who happen to have lots of music for me to... borrow? or burgle... either way, thanks to them for filling my mp3 player with gigs of good stuff.

When I was carpooling with my friend Brandon, we would listen to one of the 2500+ selected by random and rate it 1-5 stars (1 star meaning delete that one when I get home, 2... it can stay but it is on thin ice... and so on)

Good times were had when horrible songs would play. On the other hand Forgotten Gems and new great songs were also found. A lot of stuff that I didn't like before sounded a lot different, or maybe I just understood better what they were trying to say.

There are a couple of bands that helped me get out of the musical rut I was stuck in. The Strokes and Death Cab For Cutie are a couple of the new bands that I have enjoyed most, and let me realize that I should give every band a couple chances, at least.

(Thanks Transformers)

Also, Guitar Hero has reminded me of some of the popular hits, and also brought about that great phrase that will live on forever, "Hey, that black guy is playing the song from Guitar Hero!" :(

I started linking a bunch of videos, and remembered that everybody knows how to find them on youtube... So go find them. (But here is one, in case you forgot)

I guess that is all I was going to say. Give all the different types of music a chance.
Maybe even Snoop Dogg.

1 comment:

Veritas said...

makes me giggle every time.

Underoath is great. Watch the keyboard player; he rocks out more than anyone else in the band.