Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I know you were hoping for another story about my horrible/blessed life. But I am just saying that I will be gone for a week. (Or longer if I REALLY like it there.)

Seeya laterz!


Unknown said...

Putting up posts, taking them down, creating a bread shortage in Utah Valley, now you are gone? Who do you think you are anyway?

Actually, I think I know...

BTW one of my favorite xkcd comics is #56.

Expavesco said...


I take down posts according to my better judgment.

Nobody wants to read my stuff!

I spent most of the work day reading through that xkcd site, I like it a lot.

I still have no idea who you are.

Expavesco said...

Give me a hint, Sweetess.
I am dying.
(Ok, I am leaving for reals now)

Zillah said...

have fun...

Expavesco said...

Oh how I love the ellipsis.
I am having a good time, but driving home with a car half full of drunk people who are goofy when they are SOBER, is a real treat.

Canada is warmer than I wanted it to be.